Monday, 22 September 2008

Images 32

The Best of British Contemporary Illustration 2008, Image 32 is the most prestigious and comprehensive illustration awards, annual and exhibition in the UK today. It includes artwork from the widespread ‘Raise Them On Robinsons’ campaign, delightfully illustrated by Adrian Johnson; a sharp witty comment on ‘Why Men Can’t Manage Women’ by Modern Toss; location sketches of a soldier’s work in Afghanistan by Matthew Cook; covers of the successful Northern Lights trilogy created by Dominic Harman; satire from Ian Pollock; Lara Harwood’s Notting Hill Carnival Poster and a Zombie Apocalypse by Rod Hunt. The exhibit is in plymouth at the moment go have a look if you are in town

The Gallery, Roland Levinsky Building
Saturday 20 September to Tuesday 28 October
Monday to Friday | 10:00am to 5:00pm
Saturdays | 11:00am to 4:00pm